Springray II

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Springray II


The Springray 2:  A true spring reverb is an almost magical device. Deceptiviely simple in concept but capable of producing extremely rich and hauntingly beautiful sounds. Not just a retro novelty; spring reverbs are still used extensively whether it is nailing a classic dub reggae sound, adding some shimmer to a synth riff or creating some space on a vocal track in a big studio. This is a reverb that rewards real-time tweaking: crank the feedback, sweep the filter and play with the ghostly feedback drones that ensue. Better yet, try animating them with CV and inserting other modules into the feedback path.


  • Selector switch to choose between three different connected tanks (one on the front and two on the back).
  • Parametric EQ with controls for frequency, Q, and gain.
  • Feedback path with virtual tube circuitry.
  • Redesigned LIMITER circuit in feedback path to prevent high gain feedback from clipping the output.
  • Improved input DRIVE with high gain (can overdrive the tank inputs).
  • External processors can be inserted into the feedback path via the SEND/RETURN normalled inputs.
  • Three different sizes of Accutronic tanks are available.

Springray II
