Maryland National Guard Overseas Service Ribbon
Maryland National Guard Overseas Service Ribbon
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Tags: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, collections:Air Force, collections:Army, collections:Awards, collections:Coast Guard, collections:Ezr Items, collections:Marine Corps, collections:Military Medals And Ribbons, collections:Military Ribbons, collections:Navy, EZR, ezritemremovable, IGNORE_VG_BINS, ISLAND_5, ISLAND_5B, Marine Corps, Maryland, National Guard, Navy, OFAPP_ENABLE_HOLD_ITEM, sbb, SBB_Awards, sbb?_w=50&h=14, Standard Ribbon (Slide On), State Awards
Maryland National Guard Overseas Service
This is the Maryland National Guard Overseas Service ribbon. It is awarded to any member of the Maryland National Guard for doing service outside the continental limits of the United States, not including Alaska and Hawaii, while serving on or after August 2, 1990. Service must be performed for not less than 30 days consecutive or 45 days cumulative of active duty for training at overseas duty locations involving real world contingency operations or overseas training exercises. This award can be earned more than once, but only one award is granted for each period of overseas service.