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The STG Soundlabs .COM module is a comparator and divider network configured for audio applications. Think of it as an elaborate version of the PWM and Suboctave on an SH-101. If you’re not familiar with the SH-101, think of it as a little box you can feed any waveform and get a pulse wave and 4 varieties of suboctaves from.

The Signal Input is where you would put whatever you want to turn into a pulse wave into.

The Threshold control sets the “flip” point of the comparator, and has a range of approximately negative five volts to positive five volts. think of it as a pulse width control.

The Threshold input is summed with the manual control and allows for external modulation of the threshold point. Think of it as a pulse width modulation input.

There are five outputs with 10 volt peak-to-peak signal to play nice with other audio modules. The SH-101 suboctave had a dc offset which made its bass frequencies weaker than they could have been.

The first output is the direct output of the comparator. In pulse width terms, this is 0% to 100%.

The second output is a 50 percent duty cycle wave one octave lower than the main output.

The third output is a variable output, from 1% to 49% duty cycle, one octave lower than the main output.

The fourth output is a 50 percent duty cycle wave two octaves lower than the main output.

The fifth output is a 25 percent duty cycle wave two octaves lower than the main output.

